ATSDR Report Findings on Ethylene Oxide near Sterigenics Facility

The Village of Burr Ridge has received a report from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), a federal agency, analyzing ethylene oxide (EtO) concentrations measured in Willowbrook surrounding the former Sterigenics facility.
In summary, the ATSDR's findings point to an elevated lifetime cancer risk associated with prolonged EtO exposure for individuals residing within one mile of the Sterigenics facility before its closure. The summary fact sheet of the report is available here. The press release and full report from the ATSDR can be viewed here (external link).
We extend our gratitude to the Environmental Quality Commission and the community at large. The Village of Burr Ridge remains steadfast in its commitment to protecting the community from environmental hazards and keeping polluters out. We affirm our dedication to supporting those affected and will continue to collaborate with the Village of Willowbrook and our neighboring communities on this matter.